Free school supply giveaway Monday night in Basin

Grainger Russell

A school supply giveaway has been scheduled in response to concerns voiced by members of the community about the lack of funds required for transportation to stores with adequate school supplies.
New Life Church of Powell, Big Horn County’s Child Protective Services and Security State Bank are coming together to make it happen Monday, Aug. 19 from 6 to 7 p.m. at Laura Irwin Elementary.
“We received complaints about the lack of stores in our area to buy school supplies from,” said Jessi Kinkade, MDT Coordinator of Park and Big Horn counties. “Family Dollar and Walmart are pretty much the only places to get supplies for your kids around here, and some families can’t afford to drive to Cody and purchase them.
“So, we have come together to provide supplies for free, taking away an expense for families.”
Supplies to expect include backpacks, pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, composition notebooks, graph paper, erasers, glue, crayons, and many more.
While Aug. 19 is the official date of the giveaway, supply needs can be met by contacting Kinkade via email,, or by phone at (307) 202-1166.
