Big Horn County to be represented well this week in Cheyenne
“Your time on earth is limited. Don’t try to age with grace. Age with mischief, audacity and a great story to tell” — Poetry of Monsters.
To quote George Strait, “If I hurry, I can still make Cheyenne.” By the time you read this I will have been there and back. Greatly appreciate all the items that were donated for the silent auction basket for the tourism conference in Cheyenne. Linda Morrison at the Lovell Chamber is a rock star and collected many items and the basket. Between the basket and the two of us in Cheyenne for three days, Big Horn County will be well represented.
Thank you, Friends of the Basin Library, for your chamber membership renewal. Please continue to renew your membership for the chamber this month if possible.
Chamber member news:
• Friends of the Basin Library: Wednesday, Feb. 5, Friends of the Basin Library, monthly meeting, 10 a.m., BHC Library. Saturday, Feb. 8, Friends of the Basin Library, “Put Your Heart Into Your Library” ice cream social and membership drive, noon-2 p.m. BHC Library
• Absaroka Head Start: Immediate opening for children ages 3-4. They can accept children who turned 5 after Aug. 1, 307-568-2031
• Basin/Greybull Farmers Market: The first indoor farmers market of 2025 is Saturday, Feb. 1 from 10 a.m. to noon in the Basin Chamber building. The indoor farmers market will be the first Saturday of the month for the next several months. Same time, same place.
• The Burlington Schools: Valentines Dance, Feb. 1. 8 p.m. Burlington Auxiliary Gym.
• Big Horn REA: Scholarship applications are due by Feb. 7. Please refer to their website for all the applications and details. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 307-568-2419.
• Absaroka Head Start: Immediate opening for children ages 3-4. They can accept children who turned 5 after Aug. 1. 307-568-2031
• Big Horn County Arts Guild: Spurs n’ Sparkles Winter Art Gala, Feb. 8, 7-10 p.m. at the community hall in Shell.
• Greybull Rec: Intramural girls basketball coaches are needed. Volunteer to help local fourth and fifth grade students learn the game. Practices will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Feb. 4 through March 11, from 5-6 p.m. For more information call 765-9575. Valentine Workshop, Feb. 7, 1-2 p.m. Grades K-5.
• Big Horn County SD #4: LIE PTO Game Drive. Seeking gently used or new games for students to play at recess when it is too cold outside.
• Basin City Arts Center: Tuesday, Feb. 4, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. BCAC Bingo! Games, fun, prizes. Doors open 6 p.m. Tickets $10 per packet. Must be 18+ to play. Free popcorn. Candy, pop, bottled water, $1. Dobbers $2. Contact Carmen 307-899-0446. Thursday, Feb. 6: Basin City Arts Center monthly meeting, 6 p.m. Ballroom. Everyone eelcome! Feb. 15: Jeff Troxel Trio, 7 p.m.
• Friends of the Basin Library: Wednesday, Feb. 5: Friends of the Basin Library monthly meeting, 10 a.m., BHC Library. Saturday, Feb. 8: Friends of the Basin Library “Put Your Heart Into Your Library” ice cream social and membership drive, noon-2 p.m. BHC Library