Chamber Chat: Travelers already inquiring about where to go, stay and eat
God didn’t remove the Red Sea. He parted it. Sometimes God doesn’t remove your problems. He makes a way through them.
A few weeks ago, the chamber received an email from a person who is headed to Wyoming in 2025. He asked for recommendations of where to stay, eat and things to do. We were able to recommend lodging and dining from our chamber members list, as well as things to do in Big Horn County. The man wrote back and said they will be using this information when they come. He was very appreciative and said he had no idea there was so much to do and see. We recommended his party of six use Big Horn County as their base camp for their trip. They will find less crowds and better prices than in other towns in the Greater Yellowstone Region. This is why your chamber membership is important. We can send business your way.
Have you submitted an idea for the county sticker contest? The county, Grow Greybull, Lovell Area Chamber and Basin Area Chamber are sponsoring a concept contest for a sticker to represent Big Horn County. The sticker will be a part of the Wyoming Office of Tourism Sticker Map. We need your ideas. Please submit to or by Feb. 15
Chamber lunch meeting is Feb 8 at noon. Bring cards and info to share during the roundtable portion. Lunch will be provided.
Thank you, Children’s Resource Center, St. Andrews, and American Legion Auxiliary Unit #29, for your chamber renewals. Welcome to new member Absaroka Head Start.
Chamber member news:
• Big Horn County Art Guild: Valentine’s Masquerade-a night of fine art, music and food. Feb. 9, 7-10 p.m. at the Elks in Greybull. Silent auction and never-before-seen works of art.
• The Burlington Schools: Dr. Sam Davidson is coming to Burlington to do dental exams on our elementary students. The date for this exam has been set for Feb. 8. Please contact Susie Peterson, RN, Burlington’s School Nurse at 307-762-3334, or by e-mail at
• St. Andrews: Neat Repeat Store, Friday, Feb. 9, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Bargains for the entire family to warm your heart. All red items are free. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Feb. 13, 5 - 6:30 p.m. Donations accepted.
• Basin City Arts Center: Feb. 8 Thursday. Basin City Arts Center monthly meeting 5 p.m. Ballroom volunteers welcome.
• Friends of the Basin Library: BHC Library. Feb. 10 - Saturday. Friends of the Basin Library “Put Your Heart Into Your Library” Ice Cream Social and Membership Drive Noon-2 p.m. Big Horn County Library
.• Absaroka Head Start/Basin: Has an immediate opening for FREE preschool at our center. Please call 568-2032 for more information or go to to apply today.
• BHCSD #4: The Latte Lowdown is every second Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Copper Corner Cafe. Come have a cup of coffee on BGH#4, ask questions and visit with BGH#4 administrators. Artful Evening fundraiser for the Art Club, Feb. 27, 5:30 p.m. Art show and Empty Bowl soup dinner in the commons area at the middle/high school. Dinner is $7 per person or $35 for a family of five. Bowls are available for purchase, too.