Chamber meeting today at noon
“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” Barbara De Angelis
The May Chamber meeting is this Thursday, May 9 at noon. It is at 407 West C Street. Lunch will be served. Please bring flyers, info, etc. about what is happening with your business. Susan Wynn created the attached flyer to remind us.
If you ever wonder if people read this chat, they do. Last week I wrote County Flower instead of Country Flower. Yup, heard about it. Just like when I called Rising K Vet Service, Flying K. Thanks for reading and keeping us straight.
If you are a chamber member and would like a booth at Washington Park on June 1 for Lilac Days, please fill out the attached form. There is no charge as a member. However, we would like to keep a record of who is coming. You will need to provide your own table and chairs.
Please remember to vote for the 2024 Lilac Queen. The nomination forms and voting boxes are at Town Hall, Security State Bank, Basin Pharmacy and Basin’s Market. Please nominate a woman age 60 plus who has made a difference in the community through volunteering. Past queens include Helen Russell, Barbara Ellison Greene, Willa Jackson Ellison, Ellen Cummings, June Hill, Larraine Getzfried, Margaret Brown, Helen Crane, Kay Mowery, Becky Allred, Jennifer Miller, Cindy Schlattmann, Lauriena Curtis, Pat Brown, Juanita Dellos, Shelley King, Charlene Anderson, Barbara Anne Greene, Marie Dutton, Lori Thon and Carmen Olsen.
Entertainment in the Park is full. Kicking it off this year on June 20 is Brett Savage. Come enjoy local talent every Thursday at 7 p.m. through July 25, except on July 4. The event is sponsored by Tom Newman State Farm and Basin City Arts Center. Watch for a schedule in the Basin Republican Rustler in June.
Thank you, Agri Tire Plus for your chamber renewal.
Chamber member news:
• St. Andrews: Neat Repeat Store, Friday, May 10, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
• Big Horn County School District Four: Music Program Fundraiser, May 14, 5:30 p.m. at the commons at the school. Music recital and bake sale. The concert is informal. Attendees may come and go.
• Basin City Arts Center: Saturday, May 11, BCAC Mother’s Day Brunch & Tablescapes, 10 a.m.-noon, $6 a person, $25 a family. Moms free! Contact Viki at 568-2299.
• Camp Bethel: Now taking registrations for summer camp at Work Day, May 11. Please sign up online at so they may plan for food.
• Town of Basin: Council meeting, May 9, 7 p.m.
• Town of Manderson: Council meeting, May 9, 6:30 p.m.
• Burlington Schools: Bingo for Books, Monday, May 13, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the auxiliary gym.