Manderson home a total loss after fire on Saturday

Barbara Anne Greene

Firefighters responded to a house fire on East Second Street in Manderson on Saturday. The home owned by Travis Study was deemed a total loss.
According to the fire incident commander Brent Godfrey, the Manderson, Basin, Worland and Greybull fire departments were all called to the scene.
Godfrey said the fire started in the attic above the kitchen and was human caused.   It took firefighters approximately six hours to put out the fire. A high wind came up, causing the fire to engulf the entire roof and hampering firefighting efforts.  However, they were able to stop the fire from spreading to other properties.
Also last week multiple agencies responded to a fire on U.S. Highway 16-20 July 17 near Worland. Five fires were caused by a vehicle dragging safety chains attached to a trailer. Four pieces of farm machinery were burned along with 41.1 acres.
Godfrey, who is also the Big Horn County Fire Warden, reminds people that with the extreme heat, the fire danger is high. A careless spark from equipment, a cigarette, etc., can quickly cause a fire.
The Manderson fire is an example on how quickly strong winds can turn a small fire into a large one in a matter of minutes. He cautions people to cover their burn barrels, have water on hand and call the sheriff’s office, 307-568-2458, before starting a controlled burn.

