Pages of the Past
100 years ago
March 20, 1924
When word came from Laramie that Arthur Zaring had proved to be the winner in the 125-pound class in the State Wrestling Tournament, no one was more surprised than his dad. When the information came that Zaring had won at Fort Collins, and then later, that he had won at the Rocky Mountain Wrestling Tournament at Boulder Colo., his Dad came near to getting excited, then word came that Zaring was undefeated in all of the contests in which he took part.
Reports from the Paintrock are to the effect that they have about 14-inches of snow on the level and that, with the thawing incident to Spring, the roads are almost impassable. Despite a shortage of hay, most of the stockmen have enough to run them until the 1st of April.
75 years ago
March 17, 1949
Frank McNeal, a five year 4-H member, presented his agricultural demonstration on “The Use of Important Tools” at the State Leader’s Short Course in Laramie last week. Franklin won first place with his demonstration as an individual at the State Fair last fall.
John C. Snyder of Greybull won second place in Wyoming in the Annual Pillsbury Wheat Contest, according to information received by Arvil D. Ashments, the county agricultural agent. Mr. Snyder’s sample of Marcus wheat was judged by crops officials at the University of Wyoming. It will be sent to Chicago for entry in the national contest, which will be held on March 23.
Emma and Helen Rea, both of Hyattville, will be among 20 University of Wyoming co-eds competing for the eight finalist spots in the 1949 Miss Wyoming pageant.
50 years ago
March 20, 1974
Work was continuing apace this week on the interior remodeling of the Big Horn County Courthouse. A new heating and cooling system installed last year is being followed this Spring with the lowering of ceilings and installation of new lighting fixtures.
Miss Kathy Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of Basin, has been re-elected to the post of Kappa Delta Membership Chairman.
Basin High School Basketball Coach Jim Gibbs and Mower Award Winner Larry Akin were special guests of the Basin Rotary Club last Thursday. Gibbs was the main speaker on the program. He reviewed the Bobcat Basketball season, which promised well before ending in the team’s elimination in the district tournament.
Bill Gorm escaped injury early Sunday morning when the car he was driving was demolished in an accident caused by the breaking of a tie rod.
25 years ago
March 17, 1999
FHA students who will be attending the state meeting in Sheridan next week include: Betsy Crosby, Talia Keith, Ann Godfrey, Heidi Griffith, Alicia Keith, Niki McKim, Clint Cullison, Jessica Wyatt, Julie Stidolph, April Riley, Nicole Jares, Daniel Hull, Tiffany Miller, Kristi Williamson, Jennifer Jacobs, Courtney Bresach, Hannah Irvine, Jennifer Cooper, and Michelle Vigil.
The United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service (USDA, RUS) provided $450,000 to the Town of Burlington for its water project, which includes improvements to the existing facility, well head protection, manifold house and well, gas chlorine system, transmission pipeline, and storage tank.