Pages of the Past

100 years ago

October 2, 1924

The Big Horn Cooperative Marketing Association shipped its first carload of great northern beans on Monday of this week. President Oliver Irwin informs us that he estimates that in the neighborhood of 20 carloads of beans will be shipped out by the Association this year. He also informs us there are many turkeys in this section and that the Association is working on a plan for marketing them. 

Word comes that Phillip Hartman and his beet workers out on the Armeling ranches are putting sixteen tonnes of beets over the dump every day. Phillip is a real farmer and we’re glad to see him prosper. 

75 years ago

September 29, 1949

Forty-four girls trooped into the gymnasium Wednesday for the annual election of the Junior High Pep Club. After much whispering and comparing notes, the nominations and election began.  The outcome was: President, Margaret Akin; Vice President, Joan Shelby; Secretary, Wanda Small; Treasurer, Gail Beck and Sergeant-at-Arms, Betty Hallcroft. 

Burlington classes were organized last week. Officers of the senior class include: LeRoy Fabricious, Gertrude Davis, Donna Cook and Wanda Yorgason. Junior class: Cherry Reid, Robert McFarland and Laura Johnson. Sophomores: Mads Cottrell, Peggy Wilkins, Carol Neves and Keith Briggs. Freshman: Thelbert Johnson, Gayla Hodson, Gay Neves and Clara Griffin. Student Council: Duane McIntosh, Allen Neves, Jack Wilkins Gertrude Davis and Wanda Yorgason. 

Two Basin men have enrolled for the fall semester at Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Mont. Paul Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Robertson, is majoring in physical education. Herbet Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman, is studying history and physical education. 

50 years ago

October 3, 1974

The annual homecoming festivities enlivened Basin high students last weekend as activities were extended over three days. Homecoming royalty were crowned in ceremonies last Thursday evening during the traditional “Burning of the B.” Jill Eckerdt reigned over homecoming as queen this year with her king, Ben Shimogaki. Senior attendants were Ann Zaring and Nick Wilson. Vicki Lynam and Dave Kelsey were the junior attendants while the sophomore class was presented by Becky Batenhorst and Rory Perkins and the freshmen by Craig Kestner and Connie Lynam. 

Patricia A. Brown has received a letter of commendation naming her a Merit Program Commended Student by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.  

25 years ago

September 30, 1999

Homecoming royalty includes: queen, Skye Ellis; king, Drew King and attendants, Paul Hanson, Jessica Holloway,
Ryan Foster, Matt Fanderpool, Betsy Crosby, Valli Gamble,
Chris Scharen, Jenna Shelhamer, Clint Cullison and Toby Thon. 

The construction of a new dam and reservoir which will provide much-needed irrigation water to farmers and ranchers living along the Greybull River
is on schedule to be completed in time for the start of the 2000 growing season. 
