Pages of the Past
100 years ago
September 18, 1924
The beet harvest in the Big Horn Basin begins today and present indications are that this year’s crop will be the largest ever harvested in this section. The acreage in the Basin-Manderson district is larger by 550 acres than any other previous year, but it is the general belief that the tonnage will not be quite as large as it was last year, while the sugar content, it is believed, will be about the same as last year. All of the dumps along the Burlington [railroad] are open for business today.
Mr. Lee Spurrier this week sold his cleaning establishment to Golly’s Cleaning Works of Thermopolis. Spurrier will remain in Basin and confine his efforts wholly to the business of selling custom-made clothing.
75 years ago
October 13, 1949
Will C. Fedderson of Basin and A.E. (Slim) Greer of Hyattville returned last week from Dickinson and Killdeer, N.D., where they purchased 12 registered Hereford bulls.
A total of 65 votes cast in the bond election held Tuesday in school district No. 17 demonstrated overwhelming approval of the $35,000 issue needed to proceed with construction of the new gymnasium.
Remodeling of the interior of the treasurer’s vault in the Big Horn County courthouse was completed this week except for minor details. During the last three weeks, steel shelving has been installed from floor to ceiling in the vault to increase storage facilities and efficiency. The walls have also been repainted and a new linoleum block floor laid.
50 years ago
October 17, 1974
A rash of burglaries during the past week has involved five Basin businesses. Burglary of a sixth was attempted, but the effort to gain entry failed.
Three fires discovered on the second floor of the vacant house opposite the Wyoming Highway Department district office on C Street last week appear to be arson, according to several Basin firemen. When firemen responded to the alarm at 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday of last week, mattresses were found burning in three places on the second story of the house. It was not determined whether the fires were deliberately set as the result of youngsters playing in the vacant dwelling.
25 years ago
October 14, 1999
Richard Sanders is one proud father after receiving word that his son, Robert, was selected as one of four recipients from the State of Colorado for the Milken Family Foundation award. The award is given to educators who go above and beyond the call of duty to connect with students. Sanders is an assistant principal and athletic director at Moffat County High School in Craig.
Amanda Bullinger and Clay Ellison were selected as the 1999 Burlington High School homecoming queen and king. Attendants included freshmen, Camie Preator and Michael Winters; sophomores, Melinda Cook and Thomas Tolman; and juniors, Melissa Cook and John Hoburka.