Pages of the Past
100 years ago
November 27, 1924
On about Dec. 1, the domestic science department will begin serving hot lunches to the pupils who bring their lunches to school. One hot dish will be served daily. There are two ways in which the lunch may be obtained: The student may either bring some vegetable, such as potatoes, beets or onions, or he may pay 15 cents to help with expenses.
The third episode of a Pilgrim Pageant was given at the High School auditorium. The cast includes: Freida Schneider, Lillian Sweeney, Louise Reynolds, Virginia Skovgard, Elva Rule, Marjorie Hoel, Charles Jas. Line, Richard Lungren, Edward Johnston, Walter Snyder, Mr. Greisinger, Chas. T. Hyde, Robt. Watkins, Edward Talbott, Orville Highland, Virl Dickman and Billy Baker.
75 years ago
November 24, 1949
Donald G. Massey, the local dealer for Willys-Overland Jeeps, this week received approximately $100 in prizes for sales achievements.
All farmers and their families will be the guests of Hartman Bros. Implement Co. on the afternoon of Wednesday, Nov. 30, for John Deere Day.
Eleven Boy Scouts and three leaders went into the Big Horn Mountains in the vicinity of Ranger Creek Saturday and cut 280 trees to sell as Christmas trees. Don Morris and the Rev. Floyd Ellison provided transportation for the boys while Scoutmaster Bill Bennett drove a truck donated to the scouts by Dave Miller. Among the boys who took part were Miles and Michael Bennett, Floyd Earl Ellison, Dick Bratton, John Spencer, Jimmy Cummings, Billy and Bob Severy, Marvin Marcus, Tommy Caines and Tommy Harless.
50 years ago
November 28, 1974
Michelle Fackrell, a senior in home economics, was awarded the $200 L.W. Maxfield Memorial Scholarship for excellence in the area of home economics. Michelle was born and raised on a farm in Burlington, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Riley.
Electric service was interrupted in Basin and Greybull shortly after 4:30 p.m. last Tuesday when a Big Horn Rural Electric Company customer service line snapped and wrapped itself around a 34,500-volt Pacific Power & Light transmission line. On Wednesday morning, Pacific Power & Light agent Leonard Hendry said that a dragline being moved by truck apparently struck and snapped the line, and the tension flipped the line back, wrapping it around the transmission line. Power was restored in Basin about 50 minutes after the incident.
25 years ago
November 25, 1999
“I’ll just put on my spurs and chaps and whatever, and go get on,” says Dean Schlattmann, reflecting on what he does to prepare himself for the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. Dean has entered 125 PRC rodeos this year competing in 110, criss-crossing the country from south Texas to Calgary Canada, and from California to Ohio.
Amanda Mullins, a member of the Riverside High School Paintrock FFA, received her American FFA degree at the National FFA Convention held in Louisville, Ky.