Pages of the Past
25 years ago
January 6, 2000
Contrary to what you may have read or seen in the media, it was not the inhabitants of the isolated island east of New Zealand who were the first to ring in the new millennium. It was Eric Taylor of Basin and the other 26 passengers and crew on a Giant jumbo jet headed to Auckland, NZ. The occasion was double meaningful for Eric, because Jan. 1 was his 20th birthday.
Three area graduates, Rusty Schatz of Basin, and Brandi Cauffman and Judy McNiven of Burlington, have been named to the 1999 fall semester honor roll at Rick’s College in Rexburg, Ida.
50 years ago
January 9, 1975
Mrs. C.S. (Nancy) Hinckley was sworn in Tuesday afternoon as deputy county and prosecuting attorney for Big Horn County. She is serving as County Attorney Lynn Garrett’s Deputy.
The town of Basin has been brought into a lawsuit as a third party defendant, City Attorney James A. Zaring told members of the town council Monday night. The suit, Glenn Hopkin v. Lee Carr, stems from the reported attempt to lay a waterline across property owned by Hopkin. The line was being laid by Carr, whom the town had told would be granted a water main tap.
Mayor Chester E. Fyr Monday night announced the appointment of a Citizen’s Municipal Planning Committee. Councilman Paul Russell was named chairman of the group. Other members
include Mrs. Tillman Graham, Mrs. Clarence Rison, Mrs. Keith McClain, Bill Davis, Albert Hallcroft and Mrs. George Brown.
75 years ago
January 5, 1950
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Palmer will leave Jan. 9 for a four to five-week vacation in the southeastern United States. During their absence, the Big Horn Bakery, which they operate, will remain closed. Arrangements have been made whereby Basin will be supplied with products from the Greybull Bakery. Palmer added that the Basin establishment will undergo a thorough painting and remodeling while closed.
Several engagements were revealed here during the holidays after several girls received engagement rings. Wedding dates have not been set, but the following young people have announced their serious intentions to their friends: Faith Aagard and Richard Gormley; Louceil Briggs and Robert McIntosh; Iris McIntosh and Richard Lunte; Mary June Cottrell and Jack Wilkins; and Irma Wardell and Melvin Neves.
100 years ago
January 8, 1925
Postmaster Gebhart tells us that the business of the quarter ending Dec. 31 was the biggest in the history of the local post office. The year was also the biggest in the history of the office and so, likewise, was the month of December.
The Boy Scout meeting on Monday, the 5th, was opened with rope tying and the study of the scout laws in preparation for passing the Tenderfoot tests. Robert Gilmore, Vester Roe and Sam English passed their Tenderfoot tests last Friday. Kenneth Sykes is to take the test next Tuesday; Gordon Sykes, Wednesday; and James Tolstrup, Friday. The other boys will have their times arranged later.