Pages of the Past

100 years ago

January 29, 1925

On Thursday afternoon of last week, Dr. C.E. Harris had an accident while going south on the Yellowstone Highway. The snow was melting and the road was very slippery that day. When he rounded the turn going down to the bridge at Antelope Creek, the car skidded and he found it impossible to get it back into the road. The car struck the left abutment of the bridge and bounded over into the creek. Landing top down on the left upper corner. The body of the Willys-Knight coupe was completely ruined, but fortunately, the doctor escaped without injury. (Note: The main highway through Greybull and Basin was called the Yellowstone Highway in 1925, and the main Highway south of town was what is now Orchard Bench Road.)

Mr. Lloyd Rannells came down on Tuesday and took Mrs. Rannells and the baby back to their home on the Paintrock. 

75 years ago

January 26, 1950

“The Paintrock project hasn’t been forgotten,” Ralph Workinger, Bureau of Reclamation District superintendent, told members of the Big Horn Basin clubs last Thursday evening. While one more site remains to be investigated, Mr. Workinger said a thorough study of the proposed water storage facility has further substantiated the bureau’s earlier announcement that Lake Solitude is the only logical location for the project. 

Supt. Chantrill of Burlington reports there are about three more days work required to move the remainder of the building allocated to our school district from the Heart Mountain relocation camp and that more volunteer help is needed. Men of the community who are not too busy should help with this week. 

50 years ago

January 30, 1975

Six to eight inches of heavy snow and strong winds drifted country lanes closed in the Burlington area last weekend. School had to be closed Monday as busses could not operate on some roads due to the drifts. The storm brought with it freezing temperatures that caused icy conditions on streets and highways. The Emblem schools also were closed. 

Those filing for seats on the school board for the newly established School District #4 include: Grace Cross, Eugene Doerr, Lee Carr, Robert Gish, Glenn Hopkin, Leroy Kingery, James Kost, Arthur Nelson, Gene Roccabruna, Helen Saban, Catherine Shibata, Riki Shimogaki, Robert Redland, Jimmy Rubis, Joe Wildman, Dave Greer, Helen Turner, Claude Craft and John Gibler. 

25 years ago

January 27, 2000

Arrest figures for Big Horn County demonstrate why the Big Horn County Commissioners are considering a new jail for the county. County law enforcement officials made 275 arrests in the county last year and transported all of them to the Washakie County Jail. 

Eight seniors have been named to the 4.0 first semester honor roll in Burlington. The include Shane Loveland, Curtis McNiven Taubi Neves, Stephanie Preator, Justin Tolman, Schane Wiles, Macy Winters and Rachel Winters. Also on the 4.0 honor roll are Josh Alexander, Audrey Jones, Harry McNiven, Lindsey Carrizales, Ryan Cauffman, Lance Dobson, David Loveland, Whitney Neves, Thomas Tolman, Victoria Winters, Charlie Cauffman, Scott Davidson, Betsy Howard and Maria McNiven. 
