Reader spots trends in law enforcement

Dear Editor:
I enjoy reading a newspaper cover to cover. While reading the Basin and Greybull papers, I have noticed some trends in the local police forces, Basin, Greybull, and Manderson.
Now people say that Manderson is a speed trap. To be a speed trap, a person would be issued a ticket for the slightest infraction. By looking at the Manderson police log on a regular basis, this is not true that Manderson is a speed trap. Having read numerous Manderson police logs, only two tickets were issued for going less than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit.  One ticket was for 8 miles over and the other one was for 9 miles over the speed limit. The rest of the tickets issued were 10 miles or more over the speed limit. The police are doing their job of trying to keep the citizens safe. I have not noticed any warning tickets issued by the Manderson police force.  They seem to spend most of their time patrolling for speeders.
The Greybull police seem to give out an equal number of tickets and warnings. They seem to not have a big issue with speeders in Greybull, but having watched the traffic at the stop light when we eat at the Mexican restaurant, there is a problem with people running the red light. Greybull police seem to use their time with public relations, the disputes of neighbors, drug issues and lost or barking dogs.
Basin police do not issue many tickets. They tend to give more warnings. Yet Basin has had the most letters to the editor about speeders and complaints made to the town council about speeding.  Warning people about speeding does not seem to change their driving habits. The Basin police seem to spend their time patrolling the cemetery, handling citizen complaints and community relations.
In one week reporting, I figured out the total amount of fines given by each police force.  Manderson led the group with a little over $19, 000 pulled in for the town.  Next was Greybull with a little over $3,000.  Basin pulled in a little over $2,000. One ticket from Basin was for a broken windshield for $1,050 during that reporting period.
Since all three towns need money, it looks like the Manderson police is trying hard to help.  While the Greybull police are always visible, speeding does not seem to be an issue. Basin police are visible sometimes, but are not deterring the speeders from speeding.  If they are parked on one end of town, the drivers speed up as soon as they pass them. Maybe having them work in teams would stop this from happening. Both Greybull and Basin police forces may want to issue more tickets to help their towns out. Reminder: only people who do not obey the laws are going to get a ticket.
So, if you like to speed, stay away from Manderson. If you speed in Greybull, you have a 50-50 chance of getting a ticket.  If you speed in Basin, you may not get caught speeding, but DON’T have a broken windshield!
Gene Grose
