We can’t turn a blind eye to illegal drug use of any kind

Barbara Anne Greene

"This is a landmark case, but barely scratches the surface in the fight against drugs to keep our community safe. Our community as a whole should not turn a blind eye to illegal drug use of any kind.”

Wise words from Brenda and Shannon Armstrong. Their son Jordan Jackson died in January 2023 of an overdose from fentanyl-laced drugs he brought in Greybull.  

The man charged with selling Jackson the drugs was fined the maximum of $10,000 and sentenced to 15-20 years. What makes this case a landmark in Wyoming is that Anthony M. Fuentes was also charged with manslaughter in Park County.  In Big Horn County, he was charged with distribution. 

 We can say that Jordan shouldn’t have been buying drugs — and no, he shouldn’t have. But, at the same time, he shouldn’t have died because of a poor choice. The two oxycodone he bought contained fentanyl, which basically poisoned him. 

The manslaughter charge and conviction set a precedent. Will it be a deterrent to drug dealers? Only time will tell. We can pray and hope that it does. 

Nothing can replace the life of Jordan. But maybe, just maybe, the loss will make a difference. A sad legacy, but a lasting one that could save lives. 
