The Week in Big Horn County

• Police Report

The following calls were received by the Basin Police Department last week (Persons arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and charges made upon initial arrest may be amended or dismissed as determined by the County Attorney):

November 18 — A VIN inspection was done at the Big Horn County Sheriff’s Office (BHCSO).

Police responded to a civil matter on US Hwy 16/20 South, an EMS was requested.

Officer enforced an ordinance violation on C Street.

An Officer responded to a disturbance at Three Rivers Health.

Officer did a building check at the Basin Town Hall.

November 19 — Officer enforced an ordinance violation on C Street.

An injured deer was reported on corner of E. Street and North Sixth Street.

November 20 — Property damage occurred on Crescent Drive.

A traffic hazard occurred on Hwy. 20 South.

Officer was needed to give some information at the Wyoming Retirement Center (WRC).

Basin Police assisted the Greybull PD at the Maverik Country Store in Greybull.

November 21 — Officer assisted the general public at the BHCSO.

A patrol was done at the Basin School Zone.

Officer initiated a patrol at the Big Horn School District building.

November 22 — Two VIN inspections were done at BHCSO.

A VIN inspection was done on South Fifth Street.

A dog was found on Murphy Street by the BHCSO.

Extra patrol was done at the Basin School.

November 23 — Officer made an appearance at the Basin School for community activity.

Officer initiated a field contact at the First Baptist Church.

November 24 — Dog at large on the corner of Myrtle Avenue and South Seventh Street.

A foot patrol was done of businesses on South Fourth Street.

A business check was done at Basin School.

Basin Police did a building check at Basin Town Hall.

Extra patrol was done at the Mount View Cemetery.

• Sheriff's Report

The following calls were received by the Big Horn County Sheriff’s Office: (Persons arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and charges made upon initial arrest may be amended or dismissed as determined by the Court:

Nov. 18 — 2:05 a.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

6:52 a.m.: Deputies assisted another agency in Basin.

8:56 a.m.: Deputies conducted a welfare check in Greybull.

8:58 a.m.: A 9-1-1 hangup was received in Basin.

9:11 a.m.: A VIN inspection occurred in Basin.

9:23 a.m.: A VIN inspection occurred in Basin.

12:57 p.m.: A 9-1-1 hangup was received in Basin.

1:07 p.m.: Deputies assisted another agency in Basin.

1:10 p.m.: A VIN inspection occurred in Basin.

2:54 p.m.: A fire alarm was returned in Basin.

3:00 p.m.: A dog was reportedly at-large in Basin.

6:17 p.m.: An injured deer was reported in Otto.

Nov. 19 — 1:00 p.m.: Deputies assisted another agency in Basin.

3:25 p.m.: Horses were reportedly at-large in Greybull.

4:26 p.m.: A traffic accident was reported in Burlington.

10:16 p.m.: Deputies conducted a business check in Greybull.

11:18 p.m.: Deputies assisted with a child custody dispute that occurred outside of the county.

Nov. 20 — 10:19 a.m.: A scam was reported in Greybull.

12:06 p.m.: An accident involving a vehicle and a deer was reported in Burlington.

1:31 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

3:18 p.m.: Sheep were on the highway in Greybull.

4:03 p.m.: A black cow was on the highway in Manderson.

4:42 p.m.: Sheep were, once again, on the highway in Greybull.

5:48 p.m.: Deputies stopped to assist a motorist in Greybull. The individual had stopped to use their cell phone and required no additional aid.

11:40 p.m.: Deputies assisted another agency in Greybull.

Nov. 21 — 9:40 a.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Basin. A warning was issued.

11:21 a.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A citation was issued.

11:42 p.m.: A scam was reported in Burlington.

11:55 p.m.: A VIN inspection occurred in Greybull.

12:37 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

1:40 p.m.: A VIN inspection occurred in Basin.

2:24 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull.

2:45 p.m.: Felicia Renea Leyva, of Worland, was arrested in Greybull on charges related to a warrant and for driving with a suspended license.

3:22 p.m.: A rapid 9-1-1 was received in Manderson. The caller reported a cow on the highway.

6:41 p.m.: Deputies assisted another agency in Greybull.

10:50 p.m.: Deputies conducted a business check in Greybull.

10:51 p.m.: Deputies conducted a business check in Greybull.

Nov. 22 — 2:32 p.m.: Deputies answered a member of the public’s questions regarding her driver’s license by telephone.

6:15 p.m.: A REDDI report was received in Greybull concerning a grey or silver vehicle.

7:20 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

10:44 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull.

10:58 p.m.: Deputies assisted a motorist in Greybull.

Nov. 23 — 8:40 a.m.: An accidental 9-1-1 call was received in Otto.

10:13 a.m.: A lost backpack was reported to deputies. The pack was later found and returned to its owner.

5:39 p.m.: An accident with property damage, involving a truck and a deer, was reported in Manderson.

Nov. 24 — 12:25 a.m.: Deputies conducted a business check in Greybull.

12:46 p.m.: A horse was on the road in Greybull.

2:59 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

4:15 p.m.: Deputies made field contact with a subject in Greybull. All checked out okay.

4:35 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

7:29 p.m.: Deputies conducted a business check in Greybull.

7:42 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A warning was issued.

8:29 p.m.: Deputies initiated a traffic stop in Greybull. A citation was issued.

 • Circuit Court

Recent court fines and sentences handed down or bonds forfeited in the circuit court of Judge Edward G. Luhm:  

David C. Murph, Greybull, DUI alcohol equal to or greater than .08% - first offense within 10 years, jail: 90 days, suspended: 87 days, unsupervised probation: 6 months, $620.

Wolfen J. Stolzer, Worland, unlawful contact: rude insolent or angry touches without bodily injury, jail: 30 days, suspended: 28 days, unsupervised probation: 6 months, $520.

Jennifer Tucker, Basin, expired temporary license permit/improper registration, $150.

Vitaliano Garcia Mendez, Aberdeen, Wash., DUI alcohol equal to or greater than.08% within 2 hours of driving - first offense within 10 years, jail: 90 days, suspended: 85 days, unsupervised probation: 6 months, $770; open container of alcohol in a moving vehicle - first offense, $150.

Lorenzo Rodriguez, Byron, breach of peace, jail: 154 days, $220.

Hailey Kellogg, Lovell, vehicle registration and license, $90; failure to provide proof of liability insurance, $560.

Layten K. Pickens, Greybull, compulsory auto insurance - first offense, $560.

Jenny K. David, Prescott, Mich., taking wrong species of big-game animal, $250.

Speeding in a 70 mph zone:

Hailey Kellogg, Lovell, $175

Lucy Leyva Worland,$103

Brooklyn M. Kautz, Riverton, $140

Steve A. Wood, Billings, $155

Speeding in a superintendent’s zone:

Travis Nichols, Lovell, $105

David Austin, Billings, $175

• Land Transfers

Warranty deeds and quitclaim deeds recorded in the Big Horn County Clerk’s office are:

Travis J. Lundberg and Bree Lundberg fka Bree A. Dooley to Camryn Chapman and Payton Sorenson; Greybull 4th Addition Lot 3 Block 2

Tony M. Elliott and Diana G. Elliott to Trustee Tony M. Elliott, Trustee Diana G. Elliott, Tony M. Elliott Revocable Living Trust and Diana G. Elliott Revocable Living Trust dated May 13, 2024; W2NW4 NW4SW4 Sec. 9, Lots 9, 12, 25, 26, SE4SE4 Sec. 5, NE4NE4 Sec. 6, Lot 110 T51N R95W

Tony M. Elliott and Diana G. Elliott to Trustee Tony M. Elliott, Trustee Diana G. Elliott, Tony M. Elliott Revocable Living Trust and Diana G. Elliott Revocable Living Trust dated May 13, 2024; Lot 111 T51N R95W

Tony M. Elliott and Diana G. Elliott to Trustee Tony M. Elliott, Trustee Diana G. Elliott , Tony M. Elliott Revocable Living Trust and Diana G. Elliott Revocable Living Trust dated May 13, 2024; Basin Original Town Subdivision (Part) Lots 15, 16, 17 Block 36

Bobby Werner and Deanna Werner to Tyler Craft; Greybull Hilltop Subdivision Lot 10 Block 4

Jennie L. Carothers to Larry Stanger and Lisa Stanger; SW4NW4 Sec. 27 T53N R91W

Michael Lynn Riley to MK Lands, LLC; E2SW4 Sec. 18, (Lots: C & F) Lot 55 T52N R96W

Successor Trustee Jean Cooley and Jennie L. Kennette Living Trust dated April 12, 2021 to Carl H. Brown and Sharon L. Brown; Basin Collins Subdivision Lots 1, 2 Block 16

Derik James Henderson to Ashlyn Ewen and Rachael Brown; Greybull 5th Addition Lot 3 Block 6

Trustee J. Quinn LaFollette, Trustee Tracey A. LaFollette and Lafollette Family Trust dated May 19, 2019 to Six Pack, LLC; Greybull Knode Subdivision Lot 1 Block 5

Mary Helen Brown to Kyle Brown and Susan Helen Brown; Basin Mecklem Subdivision (Part) Lot 2, Lot 3 Block 6

Marvin Harp and Patty Harp to Dale Robert Stauffacher and Bonnie Rae King Stauffacher; Greybull Hilltop Subdivision Lot 10 Block 6
