What the heck? Why would town develop motocross track?
Dear Editor:
First, a big thank you for the newspaper articles this year. I (mostly) enjoy reading the paper weekly. When I do (or not) enjoy it, it is not because of the reporting, it is because of the content or topic. Personal reasons.
This letter addresses reasons for both. I love the pictures of the kids’ activities, community events, sports, even the pictures of the skyline, or outdoors. I like knowing what is going on in our community.
Sometimes the news discourages me and make me wonder, “What the heck?!” Many times, the next week there is a letter from someone mirroring my thoughts, so I don’t write in. But ... concerning the proposed motocross track. What the heck?!
Kids ride the hills on motorcycles all the time. For free. No fee, no club, just buddies getting together to ride. This has been going on for many years. Now, why is it a “thing” for the town to provide this activity spot? Really? Since when is it up to any government entity to provide recreation/clubs to anyone? Does anyone really believe up to 100 campers will come for a day of racing? And, if they do, why doesn’t a private business take this up and make it be just that? A private business that generates profit for an individual? It is not up to government to provide this to the people. If it’s such a great idea, why doesn’t one of the proponents of this idea start a business of their own and go with it? I mean, if it really will generate money, why not have it be a profitable, private business? And is it even in our town budget to run utilities for this project?
I was wondering, also, if it is feasible to run raw water and drinking water up there for a racetrack, why isn’t it feasible to run water a little farther up for Mary Russell?
A couple other thoughts crossed my mind while reading this article.
Several years ago, some teenage brothers brought a proposal to the town. They wanted to utilize some land that was vacant on the south side of town (it is now a park) for a skate park. They had already gotten a plan, private funding, labor, the whole nine yards worked out. It was a popular thing — skate parks — at the time. There were several kids in town who would have used the park — bicyclers and roller skaters, as well as skateboarders. The council turned them down. Too much liability. No discussion of the possibility of leasing/renting the bit of area needed. Different council.
Of course that would not have “brought in any money.” It would just have been something kids liked to do, to keep them occupied. What about the dirt track car racing idea? Where did that go? Flop! Private business. Nope. Can’t have it.
Our town does need businesses. But private businesses. Not town-funded businesses. Remember the idea of incentives for business to come here? I’m thinking of Aleutian, the language translation business the town gave space to. When the time was up, they moved on to another town, then another ... are they still in business? Have they worn out their welcome in other towns?
To finish, I am not against the idea of a motocross track in our town. It definitely would benefit youth. It could bring in business to the town. I just believe it should not be up to the town to have this to take care of. It is a business; and I believe less government is better government, and private business is better business.
Rox Anne Brewer