Wyoming Food Coalition Annual Conference

 The WY Regional Food Business Center Team has collaborated with the Wyoming Food Coalition to help bring some quality speakers and content to this year’s session. The goal is to help bolster local foods producers and businesses in the great state.  

When is Nov. 14, noon, through Saturday, Nov. 16, 3 p.m. at Casper Community College 125 College Dr, Casper.

There’s something for everyone this year.

Here’s just a few of the conference’s features:

• Ranching for Profit Day long workshop led by Jordan Steele

• Composting of Meat Byproducts Panel discussion led by Dr. Caitlin Youngquist

• Agritourism Panel Discussion led by Hailey Sorg

• Farm to School Panel led by Andrea Alma

• Buyer/ Grower event featuring local producers from around Wyoming

•Upcoming and Ongoing Grant Opportunities for Local Foods Businesses led by the WY RFBC Team

• Keynote presentations from Ron Rabou of Rabou Farms and Gayle Woodsum of Feeding Laramie Valley

• WY Table Directory Overview

Registration: https://www.wyfoodcoalition.org/fall-conference-2024
